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Turkey Tacos Recipe

Ground turkey, diced white onion, fresh cilantro, mexican cheese blend, sour cream and my favorite sauce. Serve with mexican rice and lime wedges.

Ingredients (Serves 4)

1 pound Ground Turkey

1 tbs olive oil

1/2 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp chili powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1/2 large white onion (finely diced)

1 cup cilantro leaves

1 cup grated mexican cheese blend

1 cup sour cream

8 corn tortillas

1 lime (cut into wedges)

1 package of Mexican rice

1. Prepare Mexican rice according to package directions.

2. Heat a large pan on medium until hot then add oil. Once oil is hot add 2 tbs of diced white onion, cumin, chili powder, black pepper and salt. Cook for 5-10 minutes until turkey is browned, occasionallys tirring and breaking theme at apart.

3. Lightly toast corn tortillas on a large pan with 1/2 tbs of oil per 3 tortillas. (Slightly brown each side of the tortilla, but be sure it is still maleable and not over toasted).

4. Place cheese and sour cream in serving dishes. (I like to serve the cheese and sour creamon the side).

5. Plate your tacos as follows; tortilla, ground turkey, diced onion and cilantro. Serve witha side of mexican rice and of course display our four gourmet sauces front and center!

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